The Representational State Transfer (REST) API enables applications to work together with the GEFEG.Portal to exchange information about files and validation reports.

This pick list contains the REST interface options for working with the objects. For further information, please contact GEFEG.

The URLs contain the following placeholders:
PROJECT_NAME : This is the name of the project (project slug), like the one included in the URL of this page.
FILE_NAME : This is the name of the uploaded file.

Value: POST
URL: /PROJECT_NAME/api/v1/standards/STANDARD_ID/messagereport/transformfile
Description: Executes a transformation of the message file to HTML and returns the result file.

Value: GET
URL: /PROJECT_NAME/api/v2/standards
Description: Returns a list of all available standards that can be validated.

Object: REPORT
Value: GET
URL: /PROJECT_NAME/api/v1/files/FILE_NAME/report
Description: Returns the validation report for the file.